
David Nedohin

Co-Founder & President, Scope AR

David Nedohin, co-founder and president of Scope AR, brings more than 20 years of experience in business development to drive the company’s vision to revolutionize the world of industrial training, maintenance and field support with AR technology.

In this role, David manages key relationships with industry partners and works with some of the world’s leading global companies including, Toyota, Lockheed Martin, Honeywell, Assa Abloy and Caterpillar, among others. He has also presented on some of the most cutting-edge applications of AR across industries and discussed where the industry is heading at leading industry events which include EWTS (Enterprise Wearable Technology Summit), EquipmentSHIFT, Purdue University Future of Innovation and AWE.

After receiving a Civil Engineering degree from University of Manitoba, David moved into entrepreneurship by starting a number of successful companies ranging from engineering consulting to construction and technology.

Additionally, David serves as the Vice-Chair at Inner City Agency Foundation (ICAF), a joint initiative that combines the efforts of seven inner city agencies to fundraise for and provide a network of services to alleviate poverty-related problems such as housing, addiction, healthcare, nutrition and education in Edmonton.

He is also a 3x world curling champion and national team member for 10 years in waterskiing. He resides in Edmonton, Canada.


Watch David Nedohin talk at AWE USA 2017

My Sessions

Enterprise AR: Delivering on the Promise

Room B4

Scope AR co-founder and President, David Nedohin will provide use case examples of how AR has been implemented within organizations and how it’s positively impacting their business, from minimizing downtime of critical equipment and reducing travel costs for experts to improving employee safety, service accuracy, customer satisfaction scores, and ultimately, providing a positive return-on-investment.

Work Track