
E.B. Hunter

Founder and Creative Director, Fabula(b)

Formerly the artistic director of an immersive Shakespeare project at a restored blast furnace in Birmingham, Alabama, E. B. Hunter is just a few weeks away from finishing her PhD in theatre at Northwestern University. Hunter researches live scenarios—theatre, museums, theme parks, sports, and political rallies—to find the production choices that create authenticity and meaningful interactivity. In 2017, she won a grant and residency at Northwestern’s innovation incubator, The Garage, to launch the startup lab Fabula(b), where she tests her findings in a digital environment. Hunter wrote and is currently leading Fabula(b)’s team to build Bitter Wind, a HoloLens adaptation of a Greek tragedy. She recently workshopped the project on Microsoft’s main campus as part of their Windows Mixed Reality initiative for diverse creators in mixed reality.

My Sessions

Creating Meaningful Interactivity and Quantifying Authenticity in 360°: Secrets from Immersive Theatre

Room J

I will explain how XR developers can use the secrets of immersive theatre to create (1) interactivity that feels meaningful, and (2) experiences that feel authentic. Immersive theatre is especially helpful for thinking about XR design because theatre artists have been telling stories in 360° since the dawn of storytelling. Powerful immersive theatre—that rich, communal, intoxicating energy—makes us feel more alive in our own bodies. This sensation is the kind of UX that XR can capture.

Design Track